1973 >> August  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



The Bain Insulator



We present this week a cut of a new high resistance glass insulator, the invention of Mr. Foree Bain, of Chicago.

The insulator is made extra strong and is especially adapted to heavy work, such as carrying large primary wires, and particularly feeder wires for electric railroad work. The corrugations which are made both outside and inside ...                    [more]


Star Insulators



Dear Dora,

As long as I was renewing my subscription to your excellent magazine, I thought I would include a couple of items of possible interest. The below photo from Electronic Design News is self explanatory.

On the Star issue, I discovered in a reference book at the local library the ...                    [more]


Porcelain Insulator News

   by Jack H. Tod


Enough porcelain insulator news has accumulated to fill our allotted space several times, but recent months have been very hectic for me, and I'm sorry that I haven't had time to prepare a number of drawings and photos relating to many items mentioned in the following news.

...                    [more]

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