1977 >> September  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



The Great Insulator Dig of 1977

   by Charlie Angevine


During the long cold winter of 1976 to 1977, I decided that once warm weather returned, an insulator dig would be in order. I had lightly scouted the site, an old power company property, several years back. At that time not much could be done because the ground was still frozen. 

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Lightning Rod Balls

   by Bob and Phoebe Adams Miami, Florida


Lightning rod balls are hollow glass shapes with openings at each end so they may be mounted over a lightning rod. These fancy, colorful examples of the glassmaker's art probably served only a decorative purpose and were somewhat of a 'status symbol' in the neighborhood. 

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Insulator Miniatures



Dear Dora, 

This story has been a long time in the making, the major drawback being my inability to get a good photo of the insulators involved. This problem was finally solved when I found out my brother-in-law could get good pictures for me (He works for an industrial photographing company.). As you can see, the ...                    [more]


Junior Page



Dear Crown Gewel, 

My Papa has won first place in the insulator show. I am very proud of him to. I no some things about insulators. He has six cases of insulators and 5-1/2 cabnets of them. He also has a hole tin house of them to. My Daddy had them to until he sold them. My Papa has so many that there on the ...                    [more]


Porcelain Insulator News

   by Jack H. Tod


Gerald Brown (Two Buttes, Colorado) sent a sketch of the top cap for the dummy pothead (U-190 and similars), and the drawing is shown at the far right. 

I'd noticed one of these on Jerry Turner's insulator shelf (Ohio) the last couple of times I was there, but just kept forgetting to make a drawing of it ...                    [more]

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