1983 >> November  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



4KV Distribution Construction

   by Steve Corfidi


The following pictures are all of 4KV distribution construction in Baltimore, Maryland, and are just a sampling of what was perhaps (as crazy as this might sound) the best looking "old Style" construction anywhere.

Seriously, I've been to many cities in this ...                    [more]


Foreign Insulators - Part 1

   by Marilyn Albers


The Building of a Railroad

As a follow up to August '83 article we have a rather lengthy but colorful history of the T. & N. 0. Ry. It is published by the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, which is an agency of the Government of Ontario. The T. & N. 0. Ry. is under the ...                    [more]


Foreign Insulators - Part 2

   by Marilyn Albers


The plight of Ontario Northland Railway differed in no way from that of other railways. While giving service essential to the national economy, it was facing ever-increasing competition, much of it unfair, from air lines, highway trucking and private motor cars. For Ontario ...                    [more]


Telegraphic Miscellanea



The Pacific Telegraph -- The late Indian depredations upon the Overland Mail and Telegraph are at an end. On the 7th ult. the savages attacked the mail station at Julesburg, where the branch lines to Denver connect with the main line to California, killing and wounding a number. The survivors retreated ...                    [more]


Letters to the Editor



Dear Dora, 

Along with my subscription I am enclosing a drawing (75% actual size) of a piece of glass a friend recently brought to me. We local collectors have not been able to identify its use.

The glass was found in 1968 outside a closed Western Union office in southern Illinois. Although it ...                    [more]

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