1983 >> August  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Cumberland Collector Searches For Rare Insulators in Canadian Wild



Atlantic Farm Monthly August 28, 1982, Page 7
By Rosemary Schrier of Cumberland 

A Cumberland farmer's hobby recently took him into the northern wilderness area of British Columbia, Canada, in search of Collins Telegraph insulators. 

...                    [more]


Foreign Insulators

   by Marilyn Albers


The Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway
(T. & N. O. Ry.)

The Temiskaming (also Timiskaming) and Northern Railway is the original name of the Ontario Northland Railway which runs from North Bay to Moosonee on James Bay. It was established in 1902 at the ...                    [more]


How To Dig A Threadless - Part B

   by Ray Klingensmith


Out Diggin' 

Now that you have done all the homework needed, and have all your equipment, it's time to head out on the line. Let's start with a railroad line first. If you've figured out for sure what side of the tracks the original line ran on, you're all set. If you haven't, there ...                    [more]


How To Dig A Threadless - Part A

   by Ray Klingensmith


Has it really been that long? Oh my, yes, it has been two years (!) since I've written an article for C.J. So finally I've decided to get in gear and write a little from time to time once again. Back when I was writing quite often, a lot of people asked if I'd put together some info on "how to dig a threadless". Since that time ...                    [more]


Letters to the Editor



Dear Dora: 

The following in answer about the ashtray advertiser of American Insulator Corp., as reported by Fred Collier in the June 1983 CJ, pages 26-27.

This company (as "American Insulator Co.") is listed in the index of my book "Electrical Porcelain" for two entries. ...                    [more]


How To Dig A Threadless - Part C

   by Ray Klingensmith


How to Dig

Everyone has their own way of doing things, and I will explain some of the methods I use. Let's assume you have found the exact location of an old pole. Do a little hunting around the most promising spots. If I don't find anything within a few minutes, and I plan to ...                    [more]

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