1984 >> November  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Foreign Insulators

   by Marilyn Albers


Johnson and Phillips Liquid Insulators

There are bits and pieces of information scattered throughout insulator books and old catalogues about the liquid (oil) insulators patented in 1876 by two Englishmen, Walter Claude Johnson and Samuel Edmund Phillips. I have long been ...                    [more]


Fort Apache Operator



(The following is reprinted from the 1880's writings of Will C. Barnes, when he was the lone telegraph operator at Fort Apache. It was sent along to us by R. H. Johnson of Scottsdale, Arizona, and is very interesting and entertaining, besides being full of past history.)

...                    [more]


Porcelain Telephone Signs

   by Alan Colburn


Porcelain Bell Telephone signs have been around since 1888, when Angus S. Hibbard, then general superintendent of AT&T, designed the first AT&T logo, a large blue bell with the words "Long Distance Telephone" (see drawing). It appeared on the first porcelain Bell signs soon afterwards. These ...                    [more]


Porcelain Insulator News

   by Elton Gish, NIA #41


This month I want to temporarily deviate from the usual question/answer format or discussion of individual insulators. This change is partly due to few new reports and/or interesting questions. This is your forum, and we need to hear from you. 

A recent trip to a local university library produced several ...                    [more]


How Good Is Your Insurance?

   by Charlie Allmon


Have you ever checked the insurance coverage your home owners policy affords you regarding your insulator collection? If you are not a home owner, you will be checking your home renters policy. Either way, this subject is very important, and well worth your immediate attention.

...                    [more]


Letters to the Editor



Dear Dora,

Every now and then something really interesting shows up. Sometimes it's an insulator, or some other piece of Hemingray glass, or a piece of paper. This time it is a price schedule for jobbers dated 1905. Even though it didn't include drawings, one can obtain a pretty good idea of the commercially ...                    [more]

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