1993 >> February  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



MAC's Believe It Or Not!

   by John McDougald


Last month, I said that I had a picture for everyone from the London Show, no matter what you collected. Let me know after you see this group if you don't agree. I'll start with my favorite "Believe It Or Not" coincidence story of the show. Pictured below is a neat little battery rest insulator that ...                    [more]


Foreign Insulators

   by Marilyn Albers



Many interesting letters reach my desk every week inquiring about various foreign insulators and/or reporting new finds. Mail delivery is one of the real highlights of my day! I would like to share with you a letter I received just ...                    [more]


A New Glass Style From Argentina

   by Marilyn Albers


The October 1992 issue of CROWN JEWELS included a "Letter to the Editor" from Rick Kelly (Salt Lake City, UT) in which he inquired about a string of French EIV suspension insulators he had found. In my letter of response, I shared with him all I know about them. This led to a "thank ...                    [more]

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