1993 >> June  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



A Rookie's Visit To The Collins Line

   by John McDougald


Part III

Sept. 11 - We're going to take a couple of looks at the Collins Line today. We're up at 6:50 a.m. and on the road within half an hour. We must really be getting soft because we stop at a restaurant for breakfast. The boys enjoy my ...                    [more]


MAC's Believe It Or Not!

   by John McDougald


As a number of you already know, I started back to school in January in preparation for a second career. It must have been the academic influence that perpetrated the following dream sequence:                                                 
...                    [more]


Ask Woody

   by N. R. Woodward


N. R. "Woody" Woodward is the author of THE GLASS INSULATOR IN AMERICA, 1988 Report and developed the Consolidated Design Numbers identification system for glass insulators. 

The following questions come from Steve Kelly of Tempe, Arizona

...                    [more]


Foreign Insulators

   by Marilyn Albers


For this issue and the next one in which my column appears, I am going to let Jim Barton (Van Nuys, CA) tell the story of his recent trip to Taiwan. Truly, it must have been a wonder experience for him!

"The world is a museum,. he who stays at home looks at only one picture." ...                    [more]

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