1995 >> April  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Walking the Beat...and The Lines...In The Belgian Congo

   by John Badowski


With the recent (October 1994) crisis in Zaire and Rwanda, seven other police officers from Toronto and I volunteered for duty in Zaire. Zaire, of course, was for decades the Belgian Congo - the heart of deepest, darkest Africa.

Prior to leaving our mission was established. We would serve as security ...                    [more]


Foreign Insulators

   by Marilyn Albers


IS IT A CD 511 OR A CD 512?

We’ve all read Bernie Warren’s account of the fabulous trip he and Jim Bergman made to Uruguay last fall. (If you missed this, go back and read your January and February 1995 issues of Crown Jewels.) As you might guess, their ...                    [more]


Picking in the Pines

   by Robert Lloyd


Heading to the 1990 Portland, Oregon national insulator show in a brand new pickup across northern Ontario...only thing is, the truck is on an auto-rack on the main east-west railroad line going over 40 mph and its tailgate is heading forward. Windy!!

If the beauty of northern Canada isn’t compelling enough, there’s a more ...                    [more]


Insulator Art Serendipity

   by Margaret A. Cox


Austin, Texas, is blessed with a large array of antique shops, and my brother Ben, the insulator collector, and I frequently explore them seeking insulators and other treasures. A little over a year ago we found something that we weren’t looking for — a pen and ink drawing of insulators.

...                    [more]

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