1998 >> July  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



In Search of the Crown Jewels of Colombia

   by John T. Nasci


Insulator searches on previous trips to Colombia proved fruitful to my friend and fellow insulator enthusiast, Vince Reh, and myself, so we decided to give it another try and took off once again for the intriguing and beautiful South American country better known for its illegal drug production and internal war ...                    [more]


Porcelain Insulator News

   by Elton Gish


Hopefully most of the mistakes I make in PIN are infrequent and insignificant. This time my mistake was not minor but gratefully reported by only one person, Howard Banks. Most of the readers of PIN either did not catch the error, noticed but didn't bother to write, or were so confused you didn't ...                    [more]


Oh, Canada!



With the discontinuation of the Canadian Insulator Collector Magazine, a Canadian forum will be available here in Crown Jewels of the Wire. This forum can be used as a question-and-answer format, to notify readers of Canadian insulator events, or to present new finds or information. Correspondence can be ...                    [more]


A History of the Telegraph In Alaska

   by Mark J. Surina


In my current assignment at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, I've had several opportunities to work with the Air Force Communications Agency (AFCA). headquartered at this base 25 miles east of St. Louis. My interest was drawn to the small visitor's center located in the AFCA lobby. There, a variety of ...                    [more]

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