2001 >> October  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Foreign Insulators

   by Marilyn Albers



Collector Quenton Marty of Minneapolis, MN found a pair of small unembossed glass insulators while on a recent trip to Ukraine. Both examples are similar in profile yet not exactly the same. Both of them are just a little bit over 3-1/8" in height. He says these insulators are unlike any other styles he has ...                    [more]





Don McLaughlin, son of William and Edith McLaughlin, passed away August 2nd in Long Beach, California. 

Don was a superb offhand glassblower who learned the nuances of the trade from his father, who in turn had acquired his skill and knowledge from the great Denver glass man, Robert Good.

...                    [more]


Kerr Insulator Production

   by Richard Wentzel


A view from the factory floor.

In March 1975++, Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company decided to throw open the doors to their Millville, New Jersey factory, allowing the general public to enter and witness, firsthand, industrial glassmaking in action. During the open ...                    [more]


The Smithsonian Connection and the Discovery of the CD 148

   by Larry Novak


In March 2000, four NIA members had the time of their lives by spending three days rooting through the "attic" of the Smithsonian Institution and starting to catalog their insulator collection. The trip was over eighteen months in planning. It all started prior to the Williamsburg NIA Convention in ...                    [more]

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