2001 >> April  

Message to readers about contents for this month....






(A plea to the Lord from an insulator collector)

Alas, Lord God, 
Keep me from the antiques store, 
For I seem to be finding
"Just one more."

The glass ones, the porcelain, 
...                    [more]


Does God Collect Insulators?

   by Lisa McHugh


Do you believe in God? I do, and I try to look everyday to see His workings in my life, and the many ways He strives to care for us. The story I have for you is strange, indeed, and my experience left me with a lesson in forgiveness and friendship, as well as an inkling that maybe God has an eye for insulators, ...                    [more]


Greetings from Heidelberg, Germany

   by Robert Tucker


"Bon Jour." 
"Bon Jour Sylvie". 
"Syndia, Comment-allez vous?"
"Je vais bien. C'est possible nous venons aujourd'Hui?"

And the conversation went on, with me not understanding more than just the intonation. But I could tell this inquiry was going well by the smiles on ...                    [more]


Porcelain Insulator News

   by Elton Gish


Over the years many people have sent photographs of their porcelain insulators many of which are quite colorful or have beautifully mottled tan or light brown glazes. I sorted through several albums of photos in an effort to select the best photos to reproduce in this first ever color PIN. I tried to run ...                    [more]

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