2001 >> May  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Founders of British Columbia



Robert Burns McMicking

Robert Burns McMicking was the man who brought the first public telephone service to British Columbia making Victoria the third city in Canada to enjoy the discovery.

He was of Scottish descent but he was born in Queenston, Ontario ...                    [more]


Stamps of the World

   by Gene Condon


Stamps of the World can provide a specialty collection which is an appropriate go-with hobby for insulator collectors. Thousands of stamps from hundreds of countries show insulators, sometimes very prominently such as this month's cover on the preceding page [below], sometimes requiring a good eye, as on a ...                    [more]


The McMicking Insulator

   by Carol McDougald


Diligent digging by collectors over the past twenty-five years have unearthed a good supply of this historic insulator that built the telegraph lines of British Columbia. Today, it is probably still one the most affordable threadless styles one can add to their collection.

...                    [more]


Right Around the Block

   by Doug MacGillvary


I first contacted Ron Souza in hopes of purchasing a porcelain block insulator similar to the one Ron owns and is shown in Gerald Brown's "Collectible Porcelain Insulators". The Pacific Pottery Company block would fill a hole in a collection of porcelain threadless insulators that didn't ...                    [more]


An Update on SPEC-TRU

   by Ernie Carlson


As many of you know, Mark Lauckner developed the SPEC-TRU color reference system for transparent glass several years ago. I "discovered" SPEC-TRU when I was looking for a tool to help me create a set of standards to describe glass colors. At the time, Mark's new glass foundry required most of ...                    [more]





While on a recent vacation driving to Las Vegas, we decided to take a detour through New Mexico to visit an old friend, "Tommy" Bolack. We spend a whole day (not nearly long enough) at his estate. "Tommy" and his employees extended us every hospitality as we marveled at his wide range of ...                    [more]

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