1983 >> June  

Message to readers about contents for this month....



Foreign Insulators

   by Marilyn Albers


Excuses, Excuses!

Dear Readers, 

At the time of this writing there are exactly five days left before my husband and my daughter and I take off for Europe to be gone for four weeks. We will be traveling with a group of 18 high school boys and girls under the leadership of Father John Brock ...                    [more]


Wonders of Man-made Lightning



There was silence, except for a low hum. All eyes were glued on two men in the center of the room. One of them stood on an insulated platform raised a few inches above the concrete floor, and held a cigarette in his hand. The other, standing on the floor at a spot where a bucket of water ...                    [more]


Research Division



I have enclosed some actual size sketches of an item that I just recently acquired. It appears to be an ashtray or a small bowl. I have drawn the sketches as if it were a bowl, and for the rest of this letter I will refer to the item as a bowl. The bowl is made of a hard, black composition-like ...                    [more]


Cover Picture Information



This is a copy of a drawing by Walton Taber in American Heritage Century Collection of Civil War Art. A friend of my father is a Civil War enthusiast, and he gave me this copy, because he knew I collect insulators. Below also is the text that went with the drawing.
...                    [more]

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